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The Miniatures Page
The single most comprehensive source of info on manufacturers, rules, and historical wargaming stuff. News, some articles, lists of suppliers with links, addresses, and short descriptions.

Military History / History Net
A huge index of sites dealing with Military History of every sort. Professionally maintained, searchable, with a subject hierarchy and annotations of all links.

West Point online atlases
This seems to be most, if not all, of the maps from the various West Point atlases, including Esposito's "American Wars", along with many others. A spectacular collection made easily available. These are in gif format, so will not print at high res, but look very good on-screen. Sorted by period, then indexed, with thumbnails and full-screen maps.

Military History Digital Library
US Army unit histories, after-action reports, lessons learned, staff rides, manuals, historical studies, all sorts of other publications in text or PDF format from short papers to large books. (Fast connection required if you're going to download books in PDF.)

Training and Doctrine On-Line Library
Field and Technical manuals and more other Army documentation than you can shake a mouse at in full-text versions. This makes for some large downloads, but its an amazing amount of information. Want to know how to maintain that 40 mm automatic grenade launcher and the tactics to use with it, or doctrine for the armored company in the attack?

FMSO Publications
The Army's Foreign Military Studies Office - of particular interest is the Publications page, a collection of monographs in online form. The majority are modern, but there are a number of recent studies of WWII and earlier topics.

Military History publications
Military history listings of the GPO bookstore. Generally inexpensive, postage is included, online ordering.

Website of the largest association of historical wargames, at least n the US. Particularly good for convention info.

The Courier
Homepage for the leading American historical wargaming magazine.

Ed's Hobby Hovel
General war games site posted by an individual. Contains rules, painting tips, discussions of war gaming, database of wargaming articles.

The War Times Journal
General war gaming site with rules, articles, opponent finder etc.

Mr. Tin's workshop
Painting tips.

Barter Town
A site to sell and buy figures, find painters of figures, sell and buy terrain.

The Army Men Home Page
Website devoted to the plastic toy soldiers of our youth.